Posted on October 29, 2010

Nice try.
While I once had the Chamber of Commerce as a client three years ago (they didn’t pay me very much, and I wasn’t with them very long), I haven’t had the Chamber as a client since 2007. If ThinkProgress had bothered to call me, I could have cleared up that technical detail for them.
I didn’t call Obama a “business-hating socialist.” What I said was that people who already think Obama is a “business-hating socialist” (and there are more than one out there, I presume), would have their worst fears confirmed by the President’s unprecedented attack on the nation’s oldest business organization.
They then said that because I am set to join QGA on Monday that somehow I jumped the gun and started representing the Chamber early in my new job. That is just pure fantasy on their part.
Finally, they somehow try to make the case that I am involved in some grand conspiracy with Glenn Beck. While I wish my blog got the same amount of attention that Glen Beck gets, as anyone who reads The Feehery Theory understands, I am not a huge fan of Mr. Beck. Check out my past posts on him, and you will get a fuller picture.
The ThinkProgress attack on the Chamber, like their attack on me, is complete bull. You can’t create private sector jobs without the private sector. The private sector is organized behind the Chamber of Commerce because they need somebody to stand up for them against the job-killing agenda of Congressional Democrats and the Obama Administration.
They call themselves ThinkProgress. I call them ThinkBull.