John Feehery: Speaking Engagements


Bad August, Good August

Posted on August 21, 2009
So far, it has been a good August for those who of us who could get away for vacation. No major news stories, no major weather events, no major catastrophes have happened so far.

But it has been a bad August for the President and the Democrats. Since there haven’t been any real game-changing news stories, the media has focused completely on the President’s failing efforts to pass health care reform.

The more the media focuses on the President, the worse his poll numbers get.

The more the media focuses on the Democrats’ town hall meetings, the worse their poll numbers get.

The more the media tries to set the record straight, the more the American people don’t believe them or the President.

Charlie Cook had a shocking analysis yesterday. He said basically, that if the Democrats don’t get their act together soon, they are doomed.

Andy Stern, the top union official in the country, said the same thing. He predicted that if the Democrats don’t pass health care, they will lose the House.

Now, it is awfully early for Republicans to start claiming victory now. But these stories are starting to add up.

In fact, the Republicans are starting to win in a category that they got killed in the last election, money. Both Congressional committees have pulled even with the Democrats Congressional committees, and the RNC is beating the DNC by a wide margin.

All of this adds up to one undeniable conclusion. Thus far, it has been a bad August for the Democrats and good August for the GOP.

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